Car Donation Benefits

Benefits of Donating a Car to Charity

Donating a used car to a charity is a win-win proposition for both you and the charity. The charity gets the benefit of either using the vehicle in day to day operations of the organization or selling the vehicle and using the money from the sale to fund the cause of the charity. You, the donor, of a used vehicle have the benefit of a tax deduction for the full retail value of the car. That is not the only benefit you will gain when donating a used auto though. If you have a vehicle that is not running, or needs some work, you will save the time, money and effort of getting the vehicle in sellable condition. You will also save the time and effort of listing the vehicle for sale and showing the vehicle to potential buyers. Also, researching the value of the vehicle and than haggling over the price when you do find a buyer interested in the vehicle can be a real pain.

donating a car If you value your time, then the process of donating a used car or truck may save you 10 hours or more of your valuable time. For some people, this is more than enough reason to call and have a charity come and get their old car. Others may still be on fence about donating versus selling. That is fine if you need the money right now from the sale of the vehicle, than you shouldn't donate it. When donating a vehicle to charity, you will not receive any monetary gain until you file your next tax return.

Donate Used Auto and Feel Good

Besides the value of the tax deduction, and being able to get rid of an old car without having to put any effort into repairing and selling it, the biggest benefit may be the feeling of helping out an organization that you care about. Just about everyone has been effected by a problem that an organization or charity is trying to fix or cure. Whether it is helping the homeless, children, veterans, trying to cure a deadly disease, or all of the above, donating an unwanted vehicle is one of the easiest and best ways to help out a charity that is working on a cause that touches you.

Many people also don't know that charities accept more than just old cars and trucks as donations. Most charitable organizations will also take motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, boats, personal watercraft, golf carts, or anything else that has value that can be sold by the charity to gain funds. Your donation may be just what the organization needs to find a cure, or feed and shelter homeless individuals, or help a wounded veteran improve his life.

Find a Charity to Donate Your Car

Donating your car to a charity that provides services in your local area can put the funds from your donated vehicle to work in your state. If you live in Neveda, then you might want to find charities that accept car donations in Reno. Choosing a charitable organization that you trust and care about will make you feel good about the donation you make.

donate used car

Car Donation Tips & Facts
Before donating your car, ask how and where the proceeds will be spent.
Vehicle Donation Video