Donate Used Vehicle in Bald Knob, AR

Donate used car Bald Knob Several charities around Bald Knob, Arkansas accept vehicles as donations that allow them to raise money by accepting used cars and other vehicles as donations. Read the information here to discover charitable organizations in Bald Knob will take your non-running car. You will also find out why charities are willing to accept your beat up vehicle and how to get a tax deduction.

Many national non-profit organizations run there own car donation programs that will sell cars to generate funds to help less fortunate individuals in Bald Knob, AR and surrounding areas. Shown below are a couple of the highest ranked U.S. based charitable organizations which would be glad to accept your old vehicle.

Donate an Auto - Bald Knob, AR

  • The Humane Society of the United States
    Funds gained from donating your used car to the Humane Society will go to the Pets For Life program to reduce suffering and cruelty of pets, promote veterinary care, and prevent shelter overpopulation.
  • Habitat for Humanity
    This organization works to build homes for people in need. Donating your old car or truck will help families in your local area.
  • Volunteers of America
    This is the car donation program of Volunteers of America. Donations will be used to help individuals and familys in your local area that are in need.

Donate an Auto to Charity - Bald Knob

Besides cars, many charitable organizations around Bald Knob, AR will also accept running or not motorhomes, motorcycles, boats, ATVs, trailers, and other machinery in order to provide money for the cause of the organization.

If you want to take a deduction on your taxes from donating your old car or other property, you will need to figure out if the charitable organization you choose is a section 501(c)(3) organization as classified by the IRS. To do this you will want to contact the organization directly. Several charities in your area including many religious and educational groups are classified as section 501(c)(3) organizations. When you're in a position to make a donation, these charitable organizations are ready to pick it up.

Many local charities in Arkansas may not have a vehicle donation department set up, but it could be possible for you to donate your non-running car or truck to them. You should speak with the person that takes care or raising money to discover if they will gain from donating a used car.

donating a used auto in Bald Knob, Arkansas

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Types of Vehicles to Donate
Charitable organizations in Bald Knob, Arkansas will generally accept the following items along with some others for donation.