Florida Car and Truck Donations

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Donate an Unwanted Car - Florida

Top Auto Donation Charities - Florida

  • National Kidney Foundation
    Your donation to the National Kidney Foundation will help to fight kidney disease and provide valuable funds for research and education.
  • Volunteers of America
    This is the car donation program of Volunteers of America. Donations will be used to help individuals and familys in your local area that are in need.
  • Boy Scouts of America
    Donating your old vehicle to Boy Scouts of America will help provide youth the opportunity to experience scouting.
  • American Heart Association
    The American Heart Association uses funds from donated cars to continue their mission of building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Donated Vehicle Tax Deductions in Florida

donating a used auto in , Florida

Quick Tips About Auto Donations
If the car you donate is worth more than $500, you will need to file IRS Form 8283 along with your tax return.

What to Donate
Florida charities often welcome the vehicles below.